A Modern-Day Fairytale - Shawna and Dustin's Story

Soulmates Dustin and Shawna found true love in a pandemic.  From an online courtship to a perfect proposal, these two have finally found their happily-ever-after.  Here is their story:

Dustin & I met in the digital realm of swipes and smiles, where profiles turned into personalities and chat bubbles held the promise of forever. Our love story, along with many other COVID couples, began in the modern-day fairy tale land of Tinder. Although it took Dustin 3 days to reply to me, once he did, we never stopped talking. We would write text messages the lengths of small novels and after a month of making sure neither of us were crazy, we decided to meet up.  

Fast forward just under 2 years, I went and tried on some rings for fun, not expecting anything. Little did I know, Dustin was already in the planning stages with Rita! He had to rush back and completely change his idea as I blabbered on about what I liked when I tried them on (which was WAY different from what was on my Pinterest board). After many secret emails and phone calls between Dustin and Rita, the ring was complete.  

We were planning a little vacation to the Dominican with some friends, and this is where Dustin was planning to propose. He got in contact with the hotel and had a beautiful romantic dinner on the beach all set up. Unfortunately, two days before we were set to arrive, a massive storm destroyed the little hut on the beach where they held these dinners. With the ring literally sewn into his backpack (which I noticed at the airport how tightly he was holding on to his bag and I didn't understand why), he began fabricating a new plan. I knew in my mind if he didn't propose the first night, it wasn't going to happen. It was like Dustin knew this because that is exactly what he didn't do! Instead, to throw me off, the first night he took me for a walk after dinner to the beach. We chatted for a while and then he said "okay, let's go!".  From there, all my suspicions were gone. While I was in the shower getting ready for dinner, he and our friends RAN around the resort collecting the prettiest flowers they could find. Our friends then found a secluded area on the beach, created a heart with the flowers and sat the ring inside (they then hid in the bushes waiting for us to take pictures!).  

When Dustin brought me to the beach the second night, I literally thought we were walking into someone else’s plan, but quickly realized, it wasn't for someone else, it was for me.  

The time and effort Dustin and Rita put into my engagement ring will forever blow my mind and we really do consider La Maison D'or a part of our love story.  

Thank you always to Rita and the incredible team! 


Shawna & Dustin