Heaven on the 7th floor! - Mike and Sandra’s Story

From strangers to best friends at the flip of a switch, Mike and Sandra fell in love when Fate stepped in and created a spark they couldn't ignore.  Here is their story:

We met back in the late summer of 1987 he was a contractor in the building I worked in and occasionally they would knock the power out causing are payroll input to be lost, I was like a mad women running down the hall yelling. He asked me out for lunch so we could come up with a plan for shutting the power off. After that we would say hi in the hall and sometimes grab a coffee, soon, we started to chat and after a few lunch outings we started to see each other.  I was divorced with a 5-year-old daughter, he was in the process of getting a divorce. I finally invited him to meet my daughter he asked her to go to the gas station with him and he would buy her a treat, she asked if she could have anything he said yes I laughed at him, they came back with 3 bags of stuff as she pointed out he said anything. We had so much fun always doing stuff as a family. 


One night driving home from work he said let's take a skate on the canal (my daughter was with her dad that weekend) we started skating and chatting it was beautiful that night all of a sudden he said his lace was undone and got down on one knee took his gloves off a stuck them in his pocket as he took out a jewelry box from La Maison d'Or I was in shock and said yes right away the ring was perfect!  


He left his job and joined the company I worked for (I was his boss for a while) and moved to my home in Orleans. We married in December 1988 (in Orleans where we have lived ever since) and had two more children who have produced 10 (2 passed away) beautiful grandchildren.  


My husband and I are best friends, have a blast no matter where we are or what we are doing. We love to travel and have been to many places in the world, we enjoy our dogs, golf, gardening, swimming and spending all the time we can with our children and grandkids.  


All this happened because he put the power out on the 7th floor.