Wear and Tear – Rita's Ring

Have you ever stopped to look at the rings you wear every day?  Taken a really good look at them and realized they just don’t look like they used to?  Most of us don’t consider the slow wear and tear that happens to our favorite pieces throughout the years.  Sometimes you might miss it until one day you look down to find a hole where a diamond should be! 


Rita, store manager of La Maison d’Or, was inspecting her own ring recently and noticed her ring just didn’t look the way it used to.  When Rita had her lovely rose gold and diamond full eternity band custom made just for her almost a decade ago it was meticulously detailed with delicate claws holding each perfect diamond in place.  After years and years of daily wear, it was looking a little.... well, rough.  The metal claws were all worn down and misshapen, the stones had shifted in their settings, and some had even sustained small chips! 


This is where the difficult decisions come in!  Rita’s ring is now in a state where expensive and extensive repairs are necessary. She will need to weigh the balance between the cost to repair her existing ring and the sentimental attachment to a ring that has become a part of her everyday style.  


But repair isn’t the only possibility, there are other options too!  Rita can use her diamonds to redesign her ring into something totally new, she can have her original ring recreated using her existing stones or she could treat herself to something new from our collection to take the place of her well-loved ring.   

This is where we can help!  If you’ve found yourself in this situation, it is our pleasure to sit down with you over a coffee and discuss the pros and cons of each of these options to help you decide which is the best one for you. Call us today or stop in for a visit and let us help you find the best option to get your favourite jewellery back to it's former beauty.